Entries by Kristine

Barbuda-some say “Heaven on Earth”

Our Wing-on-wing day.     Barbuda is an island of 62 square miles, population, 1500, 7 mile interior lagoon and I think 2 miles at the widest. Our sail took about 6 hours but was rewarded with a beautiful anchor along 11 mile beach running parallel   to Codrington Lagoon.  Tonight was almost the full moon […]

The Boon Channel – Northern Antigua

Friday morning we had banana pancakes in the cockpit and then took off for Boon Channel and over to one of the reef-protected islands.  Coming up to Long Island we started to lose our power and black smoke started coming out of the exhaust.   We quickly found a spot to drop anchor and killed the […]

Wendell and Shelly Meise – March 6th-15th

Tuesday we sailed past English harbor to  Falmouth Harbor and tied up at Falmouth Harbor Marina.  We were dirty, sweating and rushing to get the boat somewhat decent when Shelly and Wendell appeared dockside.  Of course, they did not care how the boat looked, and gave us time to get the front berth ready for […]