Entries by Kristine

St. Lucia to Antigua

After a respite in Rodney Bay St. Lucia, with a leaving marina blender party, Ken and Kristine sailed on – solo. Martinique, Dominica, Les Saintes – encountered few anchor off issues, part of the learning curve – Guadeloupe, Desirade Island and Antiqua. Lots of water, anchor-offs, cruiser partiers and ports for the Grateful Red, but […]

Bequia, Canouan and Mayreau Islands

Friday,we sailed to Bequia Island into the big Admiralty Bay complete with wind.  We found a holding spot near the  beach and soon realized why we were alone.  You catch a lot of the rocking swell but it was secluded and lovely so we stayed.   Our dinner was decided when a local in his colorful […]

Veiux Fort to St. Vincent Jan 11th

  Wednesday, January 11th,  we pulled  anchor without any difficulty considering the wind and what appears to be our “too-small” anchor rode that slips in the windlass.  With auto and the front sail, we made our way across to St. Vincent, heading along the windward side south to Blue Lagoon  anchorage.  It was a long […]