Entries by Kristine

Trinidad to Margareta Venezuela with Vicki

Vicki arrives late tonight and we arranged Jesse’s taxi to pick her up and bring her to TTSA. Sunday, Denny left around 5:30AM for the airport via Jesse’s taxi.   Today, more chores on the boat and hoping Junior will show up to finish the waxing of the boat.  The club race is today and we […]

Orinoco River Delta Adventure with Denny and Scott

February 12th, 2013,  Tuesday night, Dennis Wanless and his son Scott arrived at the boat in Trinidad.   I had time between crews to “reset” the boat for new guests.   Scott will stay with us as paid crew after his Dad will leave next week.   Scott had sailed with us several times, on being the initial […]

Orinoco River Expedition

High school buddy Denny, Denny’s son and Grateful Red foredeck of the 2013 Season Scotty, Kristine and Ken motored from friendly Trinidad to the mysterious Venezuela. The Venezuela paperwork cost one large bottle of Patron tequila…the Grateful was motoring 80 kilometers up the Orinoco Delta. Great fun, traded with the Wareo Indian children, saw the […]